How to Eliminate Invisalign Bad Breath

How to Eliminate Invisalign Bad Breath

As a former clear aligner patient and practicing Orthodontist, I know a thing or two about Invisalign bad breath. It's one of the primary concerns my patients have when they embark on their clear aligner journey.

Unfortunately bad breath with Invisalign isn't something that can be "cured," because the causes are organic. But that doesn't mean you can't treat the symptoms. In this blog, we'll look at the causes of Invisalign bad breath and my recommendations for staying fresh during treatment.

  1. Causes of Invisalign Bad Breath
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Keep your trays clean
  4. Brush your tongue
  5. Upgrade your toothpaste
  6. Floss after every meal

Image: Pictures of clear aligner patients using Movemints Clear Aligner Mints. Text: Freshen Invisalign Bad Breath, Fight Dry Mouth and Seat Aligners. Button: Shop Now

 Causes of Invisalign Bad Breath

Invisalign bad breath isn't actually caused by Invisalign, but it does amplify the effects. You will wear your aligners for 22 hours each day, and that can give any food particles between your teeth and along the gum line an opportunity to flourish. That's why patients are not recommended to eat while wearing their trays, and to brush every time before they reinsert them. Failing to practice good oral hygiene, like flossing, will prevent bad breath as well as worse outcomes like Invisalign gum damage.

Clear aligners also affect your mouth's natural saliva production. Many patients will experience Invisalign dry mouth as a result, which is a primary cause of bad breath. Fortunately, mouth dryness and stale breath can be treated easily by following the tips below.

Drink Water to Address Invisalign Bad Breath & Dryness

The number one way to treat Invisalign bad breath is to maintain a healthy saliva flow. Saliva is our mouth's natural cleansing agent, making it the number one way to keep breath fresh and prevent dry mouth. Keep that saliva flowing by drinking lots of water throughout the day. Set a goal to exceed the daily recommended intake of 15 cups for men and 11 cups for women and you'll be doing your mouth and your body good.

But sometimes you just need a break from H2O.  When you want some flavor, try Movemints clear aligner mints. They have patented grooves that fit comfortably between your trays, and are 100% sugar free so you can eat them while wearing Invisalign. Best of all, they contain a therapeutic dose of xylitol, a naturally occurring substance recommended by dentists and orthodontists all over the world to treat dry mouth symptoms.

Clean Your Aligners To Control Invisalign Smell

My second tip is to learn how to clean your Invisalign aligners, because dirty aligners is one of the main contributors to Invisalign smells. Try not to eat or drink anything other than water when you are wearing them, but if you do cheat once in a while, rinse your mouth and trays as soon as possible. You don't want small particles of food or sugar from your beverage stuck in in the biodome that is created by your trays. 

Image: Cleaning Aligners Prevents Invisalign Bad Breath

Even better is to brush your teeth every time you reinsert your retainers. This, of course, is easier said than done and not always an option during our busy lives. If you can't brush, try a pump of Smilesaver Spray™ sanitizing spray in each tray before you reinsert. This wonderful substance is peroxide free and gets to work in no time; 60 seconds is all it needs to eliminate bad-breath-causing bacteria from your plastic retainers. 

You should also give your aligners a good soaking every once in a while. Use a product like Retainer Brite and not only will your aligners stay clean, they'll taste much fresher in your mouth.

Brush Your Tongue to Prevent Invisalign Bad Breath

Did you know that more than 700 different bacterial species live in your mouth? Not all of them are harmful, but every single one of them can be found on your tongue. That's why giving it some attention every time you brush your teeth is one of the best tips for fighting Invisalign breath. 

Your tongue basically a sponge, with four different types of papillae that create environment for bacteria multiply. And when bacteria multiply (even the good kind), they give off a foul odor that's hard to mask. The back of your tongue is where most of this bacterial congress will occur, so stifle that gag reflex and give it some attention with your toothbrush.

Beyond treating bad breath, brushing your tongue has other benefits like more vibrancy in your taste buds and the prevention of hairy tongue and oral infections. Your toothbrush is a fine tool for cleaning, but these tongue scrapers from Orabrush will give your mouth the extra attention it needs. 

Upgrade Your Toothpaste to Boost Oral Hygiene

Anyone who has been in a drug store or supermarket knows there are plenty of options for toothpaste. But are they all created equal? Of course not. Brands offer many different formulas, each promising one benefit or another.

Some toothpastes are best for whitening, while some promise to help people with sensitive teeth. Certain brands make formulas that are milder for kids, while others promise to remove stains. It can get a little overwhelming. Ask your dentist or orthodontist what they recommend, or check out this well-researched article from The Toothsayer Blog that provides a comprehensive review of the toothpastes that work best for fighting Invisalign bad breath.  

Floss After Every Meal for Great Oral Hygiene

Flossing is an important part of oral hygiene, but it’s even more crucial during clear aligner treatment. Covering your teeth with plastic retainers for 22 hours each day creates a prime environment for bacteria to accumulate on your teeth, which can lead to chronic bad breath from clear aligners.

And chances are, if you’re undergoing treatment, you probably have crowded or overlapping teeth where food particles can easily get stuck. Brushing is not an effective means of dislodging those particles, so you must floss after every meal. Like we mentioned earlier, your plastic trays create a bio-dome over your teeth, and food particles are ideal fertilizer for bacterial growth. So if you don’t want odor-causing bacteria to flourish like spawning flora and fauna, take two minutes to floss every time after you eat.

As inconvenient as that sounds, there are some great products out there to help you. Make flossing more enjoyable with these great flavors from premium floss brand COCOFLOSS

Stay Fresh & Clean Throughout the Smile Journey

Even though you'll never cure Invisalign bad breath, there are plenty of tactics for eliminating the symptoms and keeping smells under control. Follow these tips by drinking plenty of water and maintaining great oral hygiene and you'll seriously reduce bad breath during Invisalign treatment.

Got any tips that we didn't share in this post? We'd love to hear from you in the comments!


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