teenage girl receiving invisalign

How to Prevent Your Invisalign Trays From Breaking

Receiving your first pair of clear aligners is incredibly exciting! You are on the first step toward achieving the smile of your dreams. During this journey, it is crucial that you take special care of your aligners. If your Invisalign cracks or breaks, not only will you be at greater risk for Invisalign cutting your tongue, but your aligners won't be as effective at moving your teeth and you'll have to get them replaced.

So you should do everything you can to prevent cracked Invisalign trays, and that's exactly what we're going to review in this blog.  

How to Keep Your Invisalign From Breaking

Closeup of a person holding a clear aligner tray

Dealing with broken Invisalign trays is never fun. However, there are numerous steps you can take to help them maintain their structure and prevent cracks from forming. Check out these Invisalign tips now! 

1. Don’t chew or play with your aligners

Sometimes, you might find yourself absentmindedly chewing on your aligners or moving them around in your mouth. If you just received a new pair of aligners, you might also be struggling with some Invisalign pain. However, it’s crucial that you avoid chewing on them or playing with them. This can weaken their material and cause cracks to form. 

If you just can't fight the urge to chew on something, then at least chew on something healthy and safe for your aligners! Our patented, aligner-friendly mints are specifically designed for clear aligners. Movemints® are edible, sugar-free mints that keep you on track with your Invisalign treatment by helping your aligners fit properly. They have a patented groove that fits conveniently between your top and bottom trays, and gently chewing on them will "seat" your trays while generating beneficial blood for natural pain relief. 

Text: Mints for Clear Aligners. Developed by an orthodontist to safely and effectively make the aligner experience more enjoyable. Image: a Gif demonstrating how Movemints are used to tighten Invisalign trays.

Not only are they great for helping your treatment stay on the right path, they also provide a therapeutic dose of xylitol to freshen breath and fight dry mouth! Using them is easy and fun, and helps to break up the monotony of 22 hours of daily wear time.

2. Make sure you are removing them correctly

Placing and removing aligners can be challenging, especially early in a new cycle when they are particularly tight. Many patients do not know the proper technique for removing their aligners, and risk damaging them in the process. Remember to always start from the back first, and then gradually move toward the front.

As you will be taking your aligners out several times per day, it helps to have some help. Especially if you are often on the go and can't always wash your hands before pulling them out. That's why we recommend the Pul Tool, the original aligner removal product! With Pul Tool, you can easily and discreetly remove aligners without putting your hands in your mouth.

We offer the Pul Tool in our convenient Hands Free Journey bundle, perfect for anyone who is straightening their teeth with clear aligners! 

3. Make sure you take your Invisalign out before you eat

Taking your Invisalign out before you eat may seem like a no brainer, but there might be times when you feel tempted to keep them in. Maybe you just want to grab a quick bite or you don’t think you have enough time to properly store them. However, Invisalign aligners are not built to handle the pressure that comes with chewing. So make sure you remove them before eating. 

4. Place your aligners in a case rather than out in the open

Placing your aligners out in the open leaves them vulnerable to falls and other unfortunate mishaps, such as being chewed on by your dog (trust us, this happens!). Even if you don’t plan to leave your Invisalign aligners out for very long, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to properly storing them. Get a good retainer case for safe storage, like this one from Capsule dental.

5. Switch aligners according to the schedule your orthodontist set for you

Moving to a new set of trays can be exciting. But if you switch to a new set too quickly, you might experience pain and discomfort. In addition to this discomfort, you can leave your aligners vulnerable to breaks and cracks. That’s why it is important to stay on track with your aligner schedule and wait until your teeth are ready before moving onto your next set of aligners. 

What to Do if Your Invisalign Cracked

If your Invisalign tray cracked, don’t panic — here’s what you can do

person holding invisalign trays

Dealing with a cracked Invisalign tray is inconvenient, but it isn’t the end of the world. You will want to contact your orthodontist as soon as you notice the crack. If the crack isn’t severe, you might be able to continue to wear your trays. Your orthodontist might also be able to repair it. Depending on when you cracked your tray, your orthodontist could recommend that you move onto your next set of aligners. But if you break your trays after you just received a new set, you might have to revert back to your old set until you can receive a set of replacement trays. 

Cracking your retainer is a different story, however. Clear retainers must be replaced if they break, and they are a factor in your total treatment cost. So if you are wondering if Invisalign is worth it, you should consider the long term cost of retainers and practice safe removal techniques to save yourself some money in the long run.

Invisalign offers a simple and effective solution for building a stunning smile. When you receive your trays, it is crucial that you take great care of them. Dealing with a cracked or broken aligner can impede your progress. Make sure you follow our Invisalign tips to ensure a smooth and successful process!


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