6 Tips and Tricks for Surviving Your First Week with Invisalign

I absolutely love that moment when I introduce a new patient to their first set of clear aligners. After much anticipation and preparation, they are ready to begin the journey to their new smile.
As an orthodontist and former patient, my Invisalign tips and tricks are based on a simple philosophy: establish a consistent, healthy routine so you can enjoy Delicious Progress™ throughout treatment. Here are six tips to get your journey started with healthy habits and a healthy mouth:
- Protect your tongue
- Treat your pain and discomfort
- Use Movemints when you reinsert your trays
- Keep track of your daily wear time
- Remove your aligners the safe, sanitary way
- Keep your trays clean (and clear)
Invisalign Tip #1: Protect Your Tongue
The plastic edges of your clear aligners mean that sores are common early in the journey and at the beginning of new tray cycles, but your mouth will toughen up. To accelerate this toughening, I recommend wax for Invisalign to cover sharp edges and rough spots. Try this technique: take a small pinch of wax, roll it into a shape between your fingers, then apply it to the hot spots. If you can't find relief from your Invisalign sharp edges or there's a particularly rough or jagged section on your retainers that wax can't cover, you may need to ask your Orthodontist to file them down for you.
Another good idea is to have a bottle of peroxide-based mouthwash in your medicine cabinet. It is specially formulated to heal minor oral irritations during orthodontic treatment, and provides teeth and gum pain relief with a refreshing, foamy effect that really hits the spot. Keep a bottle in your medicine cabinet, and you'll be glad you did!
Invisalign Tip #2: Treat your pain and discomfort
To be honest, Invisalign hurts, and many will experience pain in their teeth and jaws. Clear aligners work by forcing your teeth into their ideal position, so I recommend my patients practice chewing exercises a few times a day, and every time they reinsert their trays. Not only do these exercises seat your trays and help them "track" in accordance with your treatment plan, they can provide Invisalign pain relief.
The simple act of chewing produces a nice massage effect for your gums, stimulating nutrient-rich blood flow to your mouth. That blood flow acts as a natural pain reliever, and more importantly, chewing exercises help your trays fit tightly for maximum tooth movement.
You may have received chewies from your Orthodontist, and they do aid in the seating process and I still give them to my patients for home use. But, they can get very dirty if they aren't cleaned regularly and are a bit awkward to use in public. So....
Invisalign Tip #3: Use Movemints When You're On The Go!
It’s not always ideal or convenient to do chewing exercises during the course of your busy day. When I first started treating patients, all I had to give them were the aforementioned Invisalign chewies or other homegrown solutions like suction tips or ball point pens. However, none of these items were particularly appealing (or sanitary) to recommend, and that just didn't sit well with me.
I drew on my experience as a patient to create an alternative to Invisalign chewies that would freshen breath, fight Invisalign dry mouth, and discretely seat trays. After years of perfecting its shape, I’m pleased to share Movemints, the only Mint that Fits® your clear aligners, with patients all over the world!
I created Movemints to give my patients an alternative to chewie foam and encourage the gentle chewing exercises throughout the day. It doesn’t hurt that Movemints taste great and fight dry mouth, are sugar-free and sweetened with beneficial xylitol. Eat them all day and with your trays in!
Invisalign Tip #4: Keep Track of Your Daily Wear Time
Obviously it will be a little difficult adjusting to your new lifestyle with your invisible braces. You will be taking them out often, which is okay; this is why so many orthodontists recommend them for older teens and adults. But if patients aren't diligent about meeting the recommended wear time of 22 hours, it can cause problems and lead to Invisalign not tracking along with the treatment plan.
Fortunately, there are several tools available to help you keep track of your daily wear time. We are big fans of TrayMinder, a free mobile app that tracks how long you’ve worn (or not worn) your aligners and reminds you when to change to a new set of trays.
Another great way to stick to a consistent clear aligner routine is to have the right Invisalign accessories for your smile journey. Items like an extra Invisalign case to protect your trays, a Pultool aligner removal tool, retainer cleaner spray and travel toothbrush and floss are all items we think belong in your to-go bag. If you really want to invest in your treatment, consider the nCase, an innovative "smart" retainer case that tracks your wear time with an integrated smartphone app. It will alert you when you have your trays out for too long so you know exactly how to manage your breaks.
Invisalign Tip #5: Remove Your Clear Aligners Safely
Stay safe and sanitary when you remove your invisible braces with our favorite aligner removal tool, the Pultool. Small enough to fit in your retainer case so you always have it handy, the purposeful design also makes it easy to use.
While you can certainly fish your trays out with your fingers, they do get tighter as your treatment progresses. This means you might struggle to get your aligners out early in a tray cycle, which is where the “hook” of Pultool really helps. It pops aligners out in a breeze and saves you from inadvertent nail gashes if your hands slip while trying to pry them out, and is available in our Hands Free Journey Bundle.
Invisalign Tip #6: Keep Your Trays Clean (and Clear)
I know that my patients are going to cheat. Finishing the last two sips of a lukewarm coffee or enjoying a glass of (white) wine with your trays in isn’t the worst thing you can do. But don’t make it a habit, and be mindful of your schedule: cheating during the last few days (or hours) of an Invisalign tray cycle gives less time for stains to compound. It's also important to learn how to clean Invisalign the right way, so you don't warp or damage your trays.
When you notice your trays getting a little dingy and funky, use a pump or two of Smilesaver™ cleaning spray, a peroxide-free fast acting cleanser that you don't have to rinse off your aligners. Just a pump or two in each tray will eliminate the germs and bacteria that contribute to Invisalign bad breath.
Parting Advice: Create Your Routine and Stick To It!
As you embark on your smile journey, strive to establish a personal routine that includes good hygiene and habits that you can maintain. Incorporating these Invisalign tips into your lifestyle will help you enjoy a more comfortable, confident journey to your ideal smile.
Starting your clear aligner treatment is an incredibly exciting time! Follow our blog for more Invisalign tips and tricks that will help you on the road to your ideal smile!